Our School

Key Staff

Senior Leadership Team

  • Mr Gell

    Head Teacher

  • Mrs Eldridge

    Deputy Headteacher Raising Standards Leader (Academic)

  • Mrs Green

    Deputy Headteacher Raising Standards Leader (Pastoral)

  • Mrs Cannon

    Assistant Headteacher Safeguarding and Pupil Wellbeing

  • Mr Crandley

    Assistant Headteacher Quality of Education Curriculum

  • Mr Hughes

    Assistant Headteacher Pupil Premium KS4 Welfare

  • Mr Jones

    Assistant Headteacher Quality of Education Teaching and Learning

  • Mrs Morrill

    Assistant Headteacher Behaviour and Engagement KS3 Welfare

Heads of Year

  • Mr Longshaw

    Head of Year 7

  • Mrs Kwasny

    Head of Year 8

  • Mr Walker

    Head of Year 9

  • Mrs Churchward

    Assistant Head of Year 9

  • Mr Smith

    Head of Year 10

  • Mr Parrott

    Assistant Head of Year 10

  • Mr Rothwell

    Head of Year 11

Designated Safeguarding Leads

  • Mrs Cannon

    Overall responsibility

  • Mrs Green

  • Mr Parrott

  • Mrs Morrill

  • Mr Hughes


  • Mrs Steans


  • Mrs Prentice

    Assistant SENCO


The Fernwood School
Goodwood Road, Wollaton
Nottingham, NG8 2FT

0115 9286326