
Home School Arrangement

The school will:

  • Conduct all communication with the parents in a polite and respectful manner in accordance with the ethos of the school.
  • Insist on high standards of both work and behaviour and develop students’ sense of responsibility and belonging to the school.
  • Provide a safe, well-ordered caring and healthy environment for students.
  • Provide students with the opportunity to achieve their full potential by providing a balanced curriculum to meet their individual needs.
  • Value students as individuals and give opportunities to them to express their views.
  • Identify students’ academic and personal needs and provide appropriate intervention and support where necessary.
  • Provide an annual written report and opportunities to discuss students’ progress, achievements and problems that might arise.
  • Provide opportunities for parents to learn about and contribute to their child’s education, and issues affecting life in school.

The parent(s)/carer(s) will:

  • Conduct all communication with the school in a polite and respectful manner in accordance with the ethos of the school.
    • Not record phone conversations or meetings without consent.  Were this to happen communication will be limited to email i.e. no face to face or phone call communication.
    • Communication involving racist or homophobic language will be terminated.
  • Take responsibility for and monitor students’ use of the computer/mobile phone and social media to ensure they are used appropriately and students are not putting themselves at risk.
  • Support the School’s Behaviour Policy and any sanctions issued.
  • Ensure that students come to school regularly, on time, with the equipment that they need and in the correct school uniform.
  • Attend parents’ evenings and discussions about students’ progress.
  • Not take students out of school during term time.
  • Support and encourage students in homework and reading and involvement in extracurricular activities.
  • Inform the school about any problem which might affect students’ work and behaviour.
  • Understand that in a busy school it is not always possible to respond within 24 hours and that appointments need to be made in advance.
  • Check and sign the student planner each week.

The student will:

  • Behave well, be polite, and respect all in our community.
  • Obey the school rules and accept sanctions in an appropriate way.
  • Show respect to school staff, fellow students, school property and the school environment.
  • Not bring electronic devices, mobile phones, internet enabled watches, iPods, or any other valuables into school.
  • Arrive at school and lessons on time.
  • Bring the correct equipment for each day and look after it when in school.
  • Follow the school rules with regard to school uniform and appearance.
  • Work hard and do all their class work and any homework as well as they can.
  • Act as Ambassadors when off the school premises.
  • Keep their parent(s)/carer(s) informed and involved in their life at school.

The Fernwood School Drugs Policy

We understand that if any student:

  • is in possession of drugs in school
  • passes drugs or substances alleged to be drugs on to another student
  • asks another student to get drugs for them in school

they are likely to be permanently excluded.

Social Media including Mobile Phones

  • School will not intervene with issues between students that arise on social media or web spaces, unless this causes a direct problem in school or is to the detriment of the schools reputation.
  • Where direct problems have arisen in school the school will seek information from parent(s)/carer(s) as to their strategy for ensuring that this is not repeated. This will prevent further upset to students and their families and wasting staff resource.
  • If there are issues between students on social media we advise parents to click the ‘report abuse’ button and shut down the social media account.



The Fernwood School
Goodwood Road, Wollaton
Nottingham, NG8 2FT

0115 9286326