Year 9 Parents’ Evening on Wednesday 29th November. This important event will take place online.
As you will be aware from the school calendar, we have the Year 9 Parents’ Evening on Wednesday 29th November. This important event will take place online and will allow subject teachers to update you on your child’s current attitudinal and academic progress in the lead up to the Options process to support your child into Key Stage 4 and their KS4 curriculum choices. You will also receive an Options Report in January ahead of Year 9 Options Evening - planned for Tuesday 30th January.
Some guidance to help you to sign up and make appointments for the Year 9 Parents’ Evening via the School Cloud Parents’ Evening booking system can be found on our website:
To allow this Year 9 Parents’ Evening to run smoothly, we ask all parents to adhere to the following guidance:
- Appointments can be made with your child’s subject teachers between 3:45pm and 6:30pm.
- Parents’ Evening appointments will “go live” from Monday 20th November at 18:00 to enable you to make your appointments in a timely manner.
- Please make all appointments using the guidance provided. All appointments must be made by 23:00 Tuesday 28th November. Appointments cannot be made on the day of the Parents’ Evening.
- Please request only one appointment per child for each subject. Appointments will last for five minutes, and staff will need to stick rigidly to time. If you wish to discuss your child’s progress beyond the scheduled appointment, you can contact the subject teacher at another convenient time.
If you would like an appointment with any key pastoral staff, please make this request via email by Friday 24th November at the latest. The member of staff will then contact you to organise a suitable time. Messages can be directed to the relevant members of staff from the following address:
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to “seeing you” online for the Year 9 Parents’ Evening on Wednesday 29th November.
If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at school.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs M Morrill
Assistant Head Teacher - Behaviour and Key Stage 3
Mr P Walker
Pastoral Team Leader - Year 9